I am pleased to hear that HS2 and Thames Water have now completed their review with regards to the sewer diversion at Ickenham.
The final view is that they believe diverting the sewer to the west is the least impactful to the community. Having looked at the other suggested options, including the two which came from the community, I have to agree with their conclusions. To divert through the wood would involve the removal of a large amount of trees and to divert down the rail line would involve the closure of Ickenham High Road.
The positive news from the review is the potential for a much better set of mitigations for the plot holders. I am hopeful that a good amount of the site will be left untouched and free for plotholders to continue using. I know that the amount of land that is going to be required will not be finallised until the contractor who will undertake the work is brough onboard but I am pleased to here that they will be incentivised to minimise their construction area.
HS2 and Thames Water will be holding a community meeting on Thursday 4 March at 4:30pm. They will be explaining the rationale for the option chosen as well as providing information on the next stages of the works. If anyone would like to attend this meeting and does not already have the meeting details, please get in touch and my office will happily share these with you.